my prayer
-the world is full of confusion and evil,
-greedy people go to heaven as easy as they can walk through the eye of
-but for god anything is possible,
-never lose hope stay strong and cope with reality,
- the devil is destined to lose and even he keeps battling,
-sometimes were delt a hand of cards to hard to play,
-sometimes we bite the wrong apple and theres no rite thing to say,
-one way or another we hit a wall or fall in a hole,
-get trapped with no way out or our sole is stole,
-when these things happen courage and faith are all that matter,
-if you lose them you get sadder and its harder to climb the ladder,
-this fool has hurt his mother,
- this fool has burdened his brother,
-this fool has far to come and only the lord can save him,
-sometimes were wrong and thats just real,
-we all have to hurt before we can heal,
-all we need are these,
- everything else is a waste,
- and the lord will be with you,
- stay strong and have faith...