Quill Rhymin' (20/MI)


SM1L3Y (17/CA)
Lady C. (27/France)
James O'Heir (34/NY)
Shenni Bubb (47/ Australia)
Find your voice...
Tracy Chadwick (27/OH)
Quill Rhymin' (20/MI)
Amanda Jackson (17/CA)

The majority of the words written on this site pertain to the portrayal humanistic reality.  Granted, there are many feelings the normal human being can feel,  but of these, the greatest is love.  I've found that love can only be expirienced, to describe it would take such an intense effort of soul searching that one's life would be wasted in this sort of labrynth.  That is why there are no love poems found on this site, unless you are slick enough to find them, hidden in secret links.  For love is found in the oddest of places, but only when you are not searching for it, then, it will be be pointing right at you.  Enjoy...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be someone you're not?
Where the temperature isn't cool, warm, freezing, nor hot
The character in life that everyone else has made
Seems as an impossible task to accomplish or evade
Frozen inside the minds of those who seem
To have everything figured out for you and your esteem
Complicated the ways their minds work and still
You can't even understand yours, that is until
You realize and recognize the heart-felt pride
When you let out the feelings you've held inside
Of course it's not for the rest of the world to see
Cuz how can I be what they want me to be...
When I don't even know that I am me???
Browse through the works
And maybe you'll see
That questions can be answered
With the punch of a key
The stroke of a mouse
The sight of the blind
The feelings rejuvenized
The pain left behind
Cuz pain is love
Without love, life is pain
So bless be the strife
Peruse all you want
I have merely one rule
Don't question the differencees
Like a common fool
When you ask the question "Why?"
Proceed to claim "Why not?"
For then your minds are open
And that's why rhymin's hot
~Scribewryte Rhymin'

Why?  Why not...
Email your work to scribewryte@rhymin.com

All material copyright ©  2002 by the authors.  

Material may not be reprinted without prior written permission.

Administrator, designer, editor: Scribewryte Rhymin' Copyright © 2002  All rights reserved.